Customized Just for You

Beard Dye & Hair Color for Men FAQs

Should I wash my hair/beard before coloring?
We recommend you shampoo your hair 24 hours before you want to color. If you go too much longer without washing your hair, the dirt / product buildup can hinder the color processing; keep in mind if you wash immediately before application your scalp won't have the natural oils it needs to help protect from potential irritation.
How do I apply the product?

This is where Cleverman makes it easy. Your kit will come with application instructions designed just for you! We took all of the information you provided in the diagnostic to develop these personalized instructions, which you can find in STEP 3 on the back of your brochure. You can also check out the How-To's section of the website to understand how to apply each technique.

What's a skin allergy test and do I really have to do it?

Hair and beard color products can, in some cases, cause someone to have an adverse or allergic reaction. The skin allergy test outlined in the Cleverman safety warning pamphlet will direct you to test a small amount of product on your skin and monitor for any reactions. In order to use our product safely, you must conduct the test 48 hours prior to when you plan to color. For more information about this skin allergy test you can check out the Safety Warnings section of the website.

What if I get an allergic reaction?

If you are experiencing a reaction while using the product such as stinging, rash or a burning sensation, STOP USE and rinse immediately; you may be allergic and should consult a doctor. If you experience difficulty breathing, tightness of chest and/or have hives or swelling at any place on the body- discontinue use and obtain medical assistance immediately. For more information about this skin allergy test you can check out the Safety Warnings section of the website.

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